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“Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… 

It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” — Elliot Erwitt

About Amy

When life feels like a bad sitcom stuck in a triage episode, my camera brings me back to center. I fall in love with possibility and photography allows me to fall head over heels on repeat. Part of the attraction is the organic nature of the whole thing- an evolution with countless opportunities for growth. 


Most of my work is minimally edited. I like to get it right in the camera. I like the challenge- of capturing the moment, a fleeting feeling- or idea- and presenting it in its raw form. I also enjoy learning and experimenting with new editing techniques, so outcomes depend on where the image takes me.

I am a Midwestern transplant addicted to North Carolina weather. I graduated from Purdue University in 1999, and again in 2021 with a MS in Communication.  I have three children who are spirited and kind and fun. We moved here in 2007 and I still get homesick for the horizon and a (real)breaded pork tenderloin sandwich.  I love live music, the beach, a good adventure, extreme weather & books. My favorite sport is politics and I prefer my coffee black (but I certainly won't complain if you are buying).

You can learn about my communication work HERE and see my CV + portfolio HERE.



Here’s a peek at what I've been working on for you.

© 2020 Amy Clinton- Corbett 

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